Voucher Application and Redemption
Once a Dealer is approved to participate in NYTVIP, it may submit applications for vouchers once it agrees to a truck or bus sale with a fleet.
- Step 1: Voucher Application
Once approved as an eligible Contractor, the Contractor works with a Vehicle Purchaser to complete the Voucher Application available through the NYSERDA Portal(log in required – must be an approved Contractor). For a complete description of required information and documentation see refer to of the Program Implementation Manual
- Step 2: Application Review
NYSERDA reviews the Voucher Application for eligibility, accuracy, and completeness. If the Voucher Application is incomplete or inaccurate, the Voucher Help Center (VHC) notifies the Contractor to revise and resubmit application contents. - Step 3: Application Approval
Once NYSERDA determines that the Voucher Application is complete and meets all applicable requirements, NYSERDA notifies the Contractor of preliminary approval and, reserves voucher funds for the vehicle purchase or lease.- The voucher is valid for 18 months, after which it may be cancelled. The Contractor may request one extension of the voucher for up to an additional 6 months by emailing a request to the VHC at [email protected] that verifies the expected delivery date of the vehicle or supply chain issue.
- Once a Voucher Application has been approved, the Contractor will receive a contract and Salesforce application number corresponding to that voucher. A voucher may include multiple vehicles distributed across one or more domicile locations.
- Step 4: Voucher Redemption Application
Once the vehicle has been delivered to the Vehicle Purchaser (paid in full minus voucher amount) and the old vehicle has been scrapped the Contractor can complete the Voucher Redemption process by supplying additional vehicle information (more information on additional information can be found in the Program Implementation Manual).
- Step 5: Voucher Redemption Application Review
NYSERDA will review the submitted information regarding sale, delivery, and scrappage for completeness and eligibility. If the Voucher Redemption submission is deemed complete and valid NYSERDA will approve the Voucher Redemption submission and the VHC will inform the Contractor of Voucher Redemption approval. If the Voucher Redemption submission is incomplete or inaccurate, NYSERDA will inform the Contractor of incomplete or inaccurate redemption documentation and the Contractor must correct, complete, and resubmit the documents for approval. - Step 6: Voucher Payment
Within thirty (30) calendar days of NYSERDA approval of the Voucher Redemption submission, NYSERDA will pay the voucher amount to the Contractor.