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Clean Energy Communities

The energy to make it happen.

Lake Placid village traffic, businesses

What Does It Mean to Be a Clean Energy Community?

Across New York State, local governments are striving to create a healthy and sustainable environment by reducing their energy use and investing in future-focused clean energy solutions for their community.

NYSERDA’s updated Clean Energy Communities Round 3.0 provides the resources and funding to help you successfully execute and achieve those goals.

This Is What Leadership Looks Like

Clean Energy Communities 3.0 provides more opportunities for you to improve your community, access increased grant funding, and earn recognition. With continued coordinator support and guidance for implementing high-impact clean energy actions, you have a clear path to building community-wide resiliency and economic opportunity.

Experience the rewards of expanding clean energy in your community on a whole new level. The new Clean Energy Communities Program gives you the energy to make it happen.

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