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Real Time Energy Management

Discover the next generation of building technologies—learn how your building is performing in real time, detect equipment faults, and uncover opportunities to optimize your energy use through system level controls.

How it works

Cutting-edge, smart building technologies work in real time to monitor your building systems’ current and historical performance data by connecting and pulling information from energy monitoring systems consisting of meters, sensors, and controls, and delivering that data to one central location. There are several industry terms used to describe these advanced technologies—such as building management systems, energy management systems, and remote monitoring systems. These technologies can be on-site, cloud-based, or a combination of the two. 

Depending on the technology, they can also have some or all of the advanced capabilities outlined below. 

Predictive Analytics

Smart technologies combine data mining, statistics, modeling, and forecasting intelligence to analyze current and past energy data and help predict your building’s future performance. Using this data, it can identify trends and uncover optimization opportunities for your site’s energy use. For example, when it’s forecasted to be a very cold day, technology can preheat your building during off-peak hours (before the building is occupied) to reduce demand-related energy costs.

Fault Detection & Diagnostics

Your equipment and systems can routinely have unseen faults, such as reduced airflow due to clogged air filters. If these faults go undetected, these systems can waste a considerable amount of energy and have a shorter life span. Smart technologies can immediately detect these faults, detail why they occurred, and help you prioritize which issues to focus on first.

Performance Optimization

Smart technologies help ensure each space in your building is optimized to its fullest potential. They get smarter over time—gathering data and identifying patterns on how building spaces are used. For example, these technologies can track occupancy behavior changes over time. If a room tends to be regularly unoccupied at a certain time, the technology can dim the lights and alter heating/cooling cycles during these periods automatically.

How you benefit

  • Boost your bottom line with reduced energy costs, freeing up capital to use elsewhere
  • Gain real-time visibility into your current and historical energy performance
  • Make data-driven decisions to spur continuous energy performance improvement
  • Improve the reliability and uptime of your systems and equipment
  • Contribute to a cleaner environment by reducing your carbon footprint

When you should consider it

Real time energy management may be good for your business if you are:

  • Looking to strategically and centrally manage energy across your organization
  • Equipped with existing energy monitoring systems
  • Managing multiple facilities or systems and pieces of equipment in your building
  • Managing a portfolio of buildings
  • Experiencing problems with equipment and system performance
  • Noticing unexpected increases in your building’s energy costs and usage
  • Working to ensure compliance with building codes and regulations
  • Trying to obtain or improve a green building certification for your building

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