Building Your New Home

Designing Energy Efficient Homes
When you build a new home or complete a gut rehab of an existing home, you can use sustainable design techniques, highly efficient technologies, and clean energy sources to limit your home’s energy use and forgo the need for fossil fuels like oil, gas, and propane. Solutions like air sealing, insulation, passive design, heat pumps, LED lighting, and solar power can dramatically reduce your new home’s energy bills and carbon footprint while improving comfort and safety. You may even be able to create a “net-zero” home, meaning your new home can produce as much renewable energy as it uses for one year.
Building a Home with Energy in Mind
Air Sealing & Insulation
Your new build is the ideal opportunity to install a high-performance “building envelope” with proper air sealing and insulation.Read More Air Sealing & Insulation -
Clean Heating and Cooling
Heat pumps are a clean and efficient way to heat and cool your home, and incentives and lower operational costs make them a cost-effective solution.Read More Clean Heating and Cooling (opens in new window) -
EV Charging at Home
Home charging is typically the cheapest and most convenient option. Consider pre-wiring your garage to make your new home EV-ready from the start.Read More EV Charging at Home -
Heat Pump Water Heaters
Heat pump water heaters are an efficient and reliable way to provide hot water for your home.Read More Heat Pump Water Heaters (opens in new window) -
Major Appliances
Between your kitchen, laundry room, and living room, there are a variety of options for adding energy-efficient appliances to reduce home energy costs.Read More Major Appliances -
Power your new home with clean energy from the sun. New York State offers rebates, tax incentives, and technical support to use renewable energy in your home from the day you move in.Read More Solar