Energy codes set minimum energy efficiency requirements for buildings. Ensuring energy code compliance and enforcement are important parts of your community’s strategy to manage the long-term energy use, utility costs, and GHG emissions of its buildings. They are also necessary to meet the requirements of New York’s building infrastructure as defined by the Clean Energy Fund (CEF) Codes Chapter [PDF], the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act) , the Advanced Building Codes, Appliance and Equipment Efficiency Standards Act of 2022. Building energy codes support New York State’s priority for supporting community-based resilience.
When it comes to your community’s building energy codes, NYSERDA is your trusted partner. NYSERDA works with a diverse array of municipalities across New York State, with funding and opportunities that support a number of activities:
- NYSERDA offers free and low-cost training and resources for municipal code enforcement officials, designed to improve compliance and enforcement of the State Energy Code. Classroom and web-based training on the 2020 State Energy Code is free to code officials with hundreds of training opportunities statewide. This training qualifies for continuing education credits.
- Code officials in communities that participate in NYSERDA’s Clean Energy Communities Program can help their local governments earn grant funding by completing Energy Code Enforcement Training. Energy Code Enforcement Training is one of 13 High Impact Actions of the Clean Energy Communities Leadership Round. Communities that complete the Energy Code Enforcement Training High Impact Action will earn 200 points toward a Clean Energy Communities grant.
To help local elected leaders, municipal administrators, and code officials meet these legislative and regulatory requirements, NYSERDA provides training, resources, and programs to support energy code enforcement and compliance.
About New York State Energy Codes
The 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State (2020 State Energy Code) is the minimum building standard for energy efficiency in New York State. In 2022, New York State also passed the Advanced Building Codes, Appliance and Equipment Efficiency Standards Act of 2022
. This State legislation requires NYSERDA to continue advancing clean energy building codes and appliance standards with the Department of State. These codes are specifically designed to standardize clean and efficient energy use in New York’s buildings. They are considered companions to The Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code
, so it is important for municipal code officials to pay attention to both sets of building codes.
The 2020 State Energy Code is administered by the Department of State, Division of Building Standards and Codes . A free, online version of the 2020 State Energy Code is available through the International Code Council. The 2020 State Energy Code
is based on the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code
(IECC), with some New York State Amendments. The 2020 State Energy Code also incorporates by reference ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016
and certain provisions are amended by New York State, as set forth in 19 NYCRR Part 1240
. Local jurisdictions enforce the State Energy Code in whole or may adopt a local energy conservation construction code
more rigorous than the State Energy Code (Energy law § 11-109), with approval from the State Fire Prevention and Building Code Council.
Opportunities & Support for Municipalities
When it comes to your community’s building energy codes, NYSERDA is your trusted partner. NYSERDA works with a diverse array of municipalities across New York State, with funding and opportunities that support the following activities:
- NYSERDA offers free and low-cost training and resources for municipal code enforcement officials, designed to improve compliance and enforcement of the State Energy Code. Classroom and web-based training on the 2020 State Energy Code is free to code officials with hundreds of training opportunities statewide. This training qualifies for continuing education credits.
- Code officials in communities that participate in NYSERDA’s Clean Energy Communities Program can help their local governments earn grant funding by completing Energy Code Enforcement Training. Energy Code Enforcement Training is one of 13 High Impact Actions of the Clean Energy Communities Leadership Round. Communities that complete the Energy Code Enforcement Training High Impact Action will earn 200 points toward a Clean Energy Communities grant.
- NYSERDA developed the NYStretch Energy Code as a ready-to-use supplement to the State Energy Code. NYStretch was designed to help local governments implement more rigorous local energy codes. On average, NYStretch-2020 improved energy efficiency by roughly 10% compared to the State Energy Code. NYSERDA plans to update NYStretch as energy codes and technologies evolve over time, in an effort to continue advancing building efficiency.
Training and Resources for Elected Leaders, Municipal Administrators & Code Officials
Energy Code Training
- NYStretch Training Directory - Lists trainings that are tailored for the NYStretch Energy Code Supplement, funded by NYSERDA, and are currently available to the public. This directory will be updated periodically as new training opportunities become available.
- State Energy Code Training Directory - Lists trainings that are tailored for the 2020 State Energy Code, funded by NYSERDA, and are currently available to the public. This directory will be updated periodically as new training opportunities become available.
- Third-Party Support Resources - Lists materials from third-party support providers that aim to support code compliance capacities. This includes dynamic building plan review and inspection, application and qualification process for providers, conflicts of interest and quality assurance, and checklists and forms.
Energy Code Resources
- Clean Energy Communities Leadership Round - Supports local governments with grant funding and expertise on their paths to building greener communities.
- Code Hotline - Offers technical support to building design, construction, and code enforcement professionals with questions on the 2020 Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State (2020 State Energy Code) and NYStretch-2020.
- Performance Path Enforcement Manual - Helps code enforcement officials review construction documents designed to comply with the New York State Energy Code using ASHRAE 90.1-2013, Energy Cost Budget Method or Appendix G, Performance Rating Method. This manual provides detailed guidance for effective and efficient performance path plan review. It includes a “Review Checklist” to prioritize the plan review scope, document results, and provide comments to the permit applicant, along with a Performance Path Calculator.
- Energy Code Enforcement Manual for Code Enforcement Officers - How-to guide for approaching and reviewing construction documents, energy analyses, and field construction sites to ensure compliance with the New York State Energy Code. This manual helps streamline the compliance approval process for code enforcement officers so that it is efficient, user-friendly, and facilitates energy code compliance for all projects.
- Third Party Support Resources - Provides voluntary guidance and checklists to help Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) interested in using third-party support providers to plan check and inspect for compliance with New York State energy codes.
- NYStretch Adoption Resources - Provides a comprehensive set of resources to help local governments adopt NYStretch in their communities.
Get In Touch
If you need help finding the appropriate training and resources, or you are interested in learning more about NYSERDA’s Building Energy Code activities, email us at [email protected] for more information.
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