For fleets participating in NYTVIP:
Fleets operating vehicles purchased or leased with the assistance of vouchers from the New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program must complete Vehicle Usage Reports for five years. You may access the survey in the “For Vehicle Fleets” section of this website.
The New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program (NYTVIP) is a first-come, first-served program that makes zero-emission vehicle purchases simpler and more affordable. NYTVIP is administered by the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA) and is funded by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to use an innovative voucher design that reduces upfront vehicle cost for fleets. Manufacturers may apply to list their vehicle models for eligibility on the NYTVIP website and may partner with or gain eligibility as program Contractors to market and sell/lease vehicles to fleets.
NYSERDA is supported by a team of contractors to implement NYTVIP:
- The Center for Sustainable Energy
manages the Voucher Help Center and processes Vehicle and Contractor Eligibility Applications as well as Voucher Applications.
supports Program design and leads stakeholder outreach.
- Industrial Economics
leads data collection and analysis responsibilities for NYTVIP.