Program Resources
As of March 15, 2024, the funding cap for the categories listed in Table 1 has increased to 50%. If additional funding is added to the Program, a Vehicle Purchaser or Vehicle Operator who has already met this threshold may request vouchers for up to 25% of the new total funding category amount. Incentive levels have also been increased for EV Class 4-8 trucks, listed in Table 2.
As of January 31, 2024, NYTVIP no longer funds school buses. Funding for zero emission school buses and charging equipment is now awarded separately, through the New York School Bus Incentive Program.
As of March 3, 2024, the incentive period for Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE) has closed and no new applications will be accepted.
Program Documentation
Current or prospective NYTVIP participants should refer to the below list of program documents for full program rules, requirements, terms and conditions.
- Program Implementation Manual
(updated March 2024): All participants are encouraged to review the NYTVIP Implementation Manual, which details in full the program structure, funding sources, eligibility requirements, and operational steps involved in the program
For fleets:
- The Vehicle Purchaser Participation Agreement
: The Vehicle Purchaser Participation Agreement document lays out all requirements of participation for vehicle operators, including vehicle scrappage and submission of semi-annual usage reports
- Vehicle Operator Addendum
: Vehicle purchasers seeking to receive incentive funding for leased vehicles must certify that there is a fully executed Agreement to lease the vehicle that has been signed by both the Vehicle Purchaser and the Vehicle Operator
- Vehicle Purchaser Checklist [PDF]: Vehicle purchasers seeking to receive the benefit of a point-of-sale voucher discount are encouraged to consult this checklist to better understand what information their dealer (Contractor) will need from them to facilitate the Voucher Application and Redemption processes.
For manufacturers:
- Vehicle Eligibility Application
: Manufacturers complete and submit this application form along with checklist documentation via email to [email protected] to request eligibility for vehicles they produce and that meet program requirements (see Program Implementation Manual
). The checklist is a tab on the vehicle eligibility application form that details documentation to be submitted to substantiate and accompany the application.
For dealers:
- Contractor Participation Agreement
: Document that serves as a contract to indicate what rights the Contractor and NYSERDA have with respect to projects funded through NYTVIP; you will be asked to affirm that you have read this and accept the terms as part of the online Contractor Application
- Vehicle Manufacturer Authorization [PDF]: Provides proof of authorization (if necessary) from a vehicle manufacturer for a Contractor to sell the manufacturer's vehicles to fleet customers through NYTVIP. This should be submitted as part of the online Contractor Application.
For scrappage facilities:
- Scrappage Operator Information Sheet [PDF]: Contains information about scrappage requirements under the terms of the Program
- Scrappage Checklist [PDF]: Must be completed for each vehicle scrapped through the Program. Includes a copy of the Vehicle Scrappage Certification document.
- Scrappage Process Guide [PDF]: Provides an overview of the roles and responsibilities for the fleet, contractor, and Vehicle Dismantler. This guide also includes the NYS DEC Truck/Bus Scrappage Guidance document with example photographs for each step of the process.
- Vehicle Dismantler Participation Agreement [PDF]: Agreement that acknowledges Program requirements for an eligible scrappage event and must be completed and returned to VHC at [email protected] in order for a facility to be listed as a Participating Vehicle Dismantler
Past Webinars
NYTVIP Program Updates (February 29th, 2024)
This webinar provides recent NYTVIP updates that include increased voucher amounts for Class 4-8 trucks and the end of NYTVIP funding for School Buses and Cargo Handling Equipment (CHE).
NYTVIP Voucher Funding to Accelerate Fleet Electrification in New York (March 30, 2023)
This webinar provides recent NYTVIP updates, including types of funds available.
NY Truck Voucher Incentive Program (NYTVIP) Voucher Funding to Accelerate Fleet Electrification in New York (April 21, 2022)
This webinar provides updates for all medium and heavy-duty fleets in New York regarding program changes, specifically regarding vehicle eligibility.
How to Implement Clean School Buses Into Your Fleet through NYTVIP (Jan 27, 2021)
Funding for clean school buses is currently available through the New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program (NYTVIP). This webinar recording includes information on alternative school bus technologies and benefits, bus types supported through NYTVIP, voucher funding amounts, and fleet eligibility and scrappage requirements, as well as a Q&A session.
NY Truck Voucher Incentive Program (NYTVIP) Informational Webinar for Transit Entities (Jan 14, 2020)
This webinar informs transit entities in New York on how to receive funding for Class 4-8 electric transit buses.