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Western New York - Centering People, Place and Policy for East Buffalo's Clean Mobility Future

Community Engagement and Capacity Building Are Driving Mobility Solutions

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. is working to advance inclusive, equitable mobility and climate solutions by identifying strategies focused on people, place, and policy. The project is being driven by direct engagement with residents, community-based organizations, and employers in the historically disadvantaged neighborhood of Buffalo's East Side to develop strategies to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT), support active mobility solutions, and develop the street infrastructure that aligns with these goals. By centering the voices of individuals most negatively impacted by unequal funding decisions in the past and moving from asking them to inform a solution to building their capacity to deploy solutions, LISC is creating a neighborhood and system-based approach to addressing barriers to transportation, the green economy, and climate solutions.

This comprehensive project will deploy multiple mobility solutions, including an e-bike library, e-bike share system, and street safety improvements. This investment will also support a just transition and job training to build wealth in Buffalo communities and reduce the barriers to participation in the new mobility future. The project will advance two regionally prioritized greenways that connect Buffalo’s East Side to its existing system of trails and will identify opportunities to design complete and safe streets.

Learn more about LISC’s community-centered approach to mobility solutions below.