Ithaca Electric Transportation Access (IETA) Project
Ithaca Electric Transportation Access (IETA) Project operates a partially electric bus fleet serving Tompkins County communities, however any fixed route transit has inherently limited-service areas. IETA and partners are developing a suite of coordinated services supported by transit-oriented public-private philanthropic partnerships to expand electric mobility services, particularly focused in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Services include the deployment of an on-demand transport infrastructure including electric carsharing and electric bike sharing services; digital integration of clean, multimodal transport alternatives; and the creation of cross-sector economic incentives to improve economic mobility. This combination of new services will create a replicable travel assurance model for all. This project is informed by a community survey and series of focus groups to garner community input around bringing together existing transportation options and expanding them to increase access and availability, reduce costs to the consumers, and improve economic stability and opportunity.
Solution Location: Ithaca