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2025 Voluntary Sales


This page includes information on the 2025 Voluntary Sales as described under the Phase 5 Implementation plan. NYSERDA is pleased to offer Tier 1 RECs Vintage 2025 in the 2025 Voluntary Tier 1 REC Pre-Sale. These Tier 1 RECs will be sourced from a variety of Renewable Energy Projects located in New York State. In addition, the Tier 1 RECs will be composed of various fuel sources including Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric. This page also includes important dates to note for the program. Pricing and Quantities of Tier 1 RECs to be sold during the 2025 Voluntary Pre-Sale will be listed as announced by NYSERDA CES Team. See below for more information.

Voluntary Pre-Sale

Pre-Sale Information

2025 Tier 1 REC Pre-Sale Price: TBD

2025 Tier 1 REC Pre-Sale Quantity: TBD

The 2025 Voluntary Pre-Sale lasts 14 days beginning on TBD and ending on TBD.

Important Dates

Date Milestone
June 18th, 2024 Buyers Webinar [PDF]
Mid July 2024 Price and Quantity Announced 
Late July 2024 Pre-Sale Opens
Mid August 2024 Pre-Sale Closes
Late August 2024 Invoices Issued
Mid September 2024 Invoices Due
Q1 2026 RECs Delivered
June 30, 2026 Retirement Deadline