BR Benson Mines
The Build-Ready Program advanced the BR Benson Mines Solar Project, a 12 MWac solar facility located in the Town of Clifton in St. Lawrence County on a former iron-ore tailings pile within Benson Mines Inc. NYSERDA worked with community leaders, business partners, and local, regional, and state agencies to secure site control, permit the project, progress interconnection with the New York State Independent System Operator, and establish a Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) Agreement and a Host Community Improvement Benefit Fund with the St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency. NYSERDA initiated the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the project in 2023 and anticipates awarding the project to a private renewable energy developer to construct and operate in 2024.
Proposed PV Array Area
- Auction Announced for State’s First Build-Ready Project
- Former Governor Cuomo Announces Lease-Option Agreement for First Build-Ready Project in New York State
Read Request for Information documents submitted for this project and the NYSERDA Responsiveness Summary.
Read the Request for Proposals project documents.