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Nominate a Build-Ready Site


Landowners can nominate a site to the Build-Ready Program to assess the potential for a renewable energy or battery energy storage system project on municipally owned or privately owned sites. The municipality or private landowner must own the site that is being nominated or have the participation of the landowner when nominating the site. Priority is given to former industrial or commercial sites, closed landfills, brownfields, closed electric generating sites, or other previously developed, disturbed, or underutilized sites.

Participation in the Build-Ready Program can improve and protect the value of land. Landowners who participate can show their communities that they are committed to being a steward for local clean energy and economic growth.

Nominate a Site

Preferred Sites for Consideration

NYSERDA is seeking prospective Build-Ready sites Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. for renewable energy and energy storage projects that meeting the following conditions:

  1. Fall within one of the following land use types: 
    • Have at least a minimum of 10-15 acres upon which a project could be built (i.e., excludes area covered by buildings, forested areas, steep slope changes, existing infrastructure, ponds, etc.). Larger sites will be prioritized for consideration, and sites smaller than 10-15 acres will not be considered for development.
    • Dormant electric generating sites 
    • Former industrial sites
    • Existing or abandoned commercial sites
    • Brownfields
    • Landfills
    • Other underutilized sites
  2. Have flat or gently sloped terrain.
  3. Are not in active agricultural use or within designated agricultural districts.


Email Harrison Kim at [email protected].

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