Low-Level Radioactive Waste Annual Report Forms
The New York State Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Act (Chapter 673 of the Laws of 1986) requires facilities that handle low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) in New York State to submit annual reports regarding such waste to NYSERDA. If your facility generated, stored (on- or off-site) or disposed LLRW, you are probably required to submit a report. You are also probably required to submit a report if, during the next five years, you plan to generate LLRW that will require eventual disposal. Use the links below to access reporting forms, instructions, regulations and the answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I know if I’m considered a waste generator and have to submit a report?
- Did your facility generate, store (on- or off-site), or dispose of radioactive waste?
- Did your facility store radioactive medical waste (including sharps, tubing, swabs, etc.) onsite for decay prior to it being disposed as medical waste or regular trash?
- Was waste from your facility received by a licensed radioactive waste disposal site, even if it was shipped out during a previous calendar year?
- Do you plan to generate waste that would require disposal in a licensed radioactive disposal facility during the next five years?
Are any of the above conditions true?
If no, please certify that you are a non-generator using the Non-Generator Certification form here.
If yes, you are considered a waste Generator and are required to submit a report by March 1st of each year.
Decay-in-Storage Only: If your only waste is short-lived radionuclides decayed in storage, please complete our Short Form for Decay-in-Storage Only using the E-filing, MSWord, or Adobe Acrobat option below.
Decay-in-Storage Documents:
- E-filing Short Form
(Be sure to gather all your information before starting as the E-filing option cannot be saved)
- Short Form [DOC]
- Short Form [PDF]
- Short Form Instructions [PDF]
Disposal, Interim Storage, Treatment, or Future Generation: If you have long-lived waste or manage your waste through any means other than decay-in-storage, you must submit the complete Long Form report using either the MSWord or Adobe Acrobat option below.
The Long Form report requires information regarding your waste as generated, in storage (on- or off-site), treated (on- or off-site), and shipped for disposal. Much of this data may be gathered from your waste manifests. If you use the services of a LLRW broker or processor, that firm should be able to assist you in compiling the data. Be aware that the interval between when the waste leaves your facility and when it is received by the disposal facility may affect your reporting. Each year, you will report any waste management activities that occurred during the previous calendar year.
Long Form Documents:
- Long Form [DOC]
- Long Form Continuation Sheets [DOC]
- Long Form [PDF] (form-fillable)
- Long Form Instructions [PDF] (Right-click on the link and save the document to your computer first; do not fill the form in your browser as your changes may not save)
- Long Form Continuation Sheets [PDF]
Microsoft Word Format. The MSWord forms can be downloaded, filled in, saved and submitted by email. Forms are not year-specific. You will enter the current reporting year on the form as well as the four-digit Generator ID that appears on the mailing label of the postcard you received in January. If there is no Generator ID listed on your mailing label or if you have lost your mailing label, you may leave it blank. After completing your form, please save it. Next year you will be able to simply update this year's form.
Adobe Acrobat .PDF format. These can be accessed using Acrobat Reader, which is a free download.
If you would prefer to be sent paper copies of the forms, simply contact Alyse Peterson at 518-862-1090 ext. 3274.
Completed report forms should be submitted via email to [email protected], or by regular mail to:
Alyse Peterson, Senior Advisor
Radioactive Waste Policy and Nuclear Coordination
17 Columbia Circle
Albany, New York 12203-6399
If you have any questions that are not answered in the FAQs, or if you are having difficulty using the forms, please contact Alyse Peterson by email or telephone at 518-862-1090 ext. 3274.