Low-Level Radioactive Waste Annual Report FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I submit my form electronically?
- I used the Microsoft Word version of the report form last year and I still have the electronic file. May I just revise last year's form, or do I have to download a new form this year?
- I can't open and/or print the forms, can you mail me paper copies?
- I am not filing electronically and have my form ready to submit. Should I fax it?
- I manage my waste by Decay in Storage only (e.g., store the waste until it is no longer radioactive and then dispose as non-radioactive waste). Do I have to fill out the Long Form?
- I am using the Long Form, but I do have some waste that I manage by Decay in Storage. Do I need to answer every question on the form for this waste?
- I shipped out waste for disposal during the reporting year, but it did not arrive at the disposal facility until after December 31st. Do I report the waste as disposed during the reporting year?
- My waste undergoes treatment and/or processing off-site prior to arriving at the final disposal facility. Should the Section III disposal information I submit represent the waste as it left my facility or its condition as it arrived at the disposal facility?
- I'm not sure what information to enter into the form.
- I use sealed sources that I return to the manufacturer or distributor. Do I need to report these as waste?
- I generate organic liquid scintillation fluids with trace quantities of radioactivity that are recycled for their energy content. Do I need to report these as waste?
- I generate organic liquid scintillation fluids with trace quantities of radioactivity that are recycled for their energy content. Do I need to report these as waste?
Q: Can I submit my form electronically?
A: Yes, we have several forms of electronic submission available.
- Non-Generator Certifications can be submitted electronically using our online portal
- Short Forms for Decay in Storage Only can be submitted electronically either through our online portal
or via email using Microsoft Word.
Long Forms can be submitted electronically via email using Microsoft Word or form-fillable PDF. Microsoft Word versions of the Long Form or Short Form can be downloaded, filled in, saved and submitted via email to [email protected].
If you do not have internet access, you may obtain a paper copy of the forms by contacting Alyse Peterson or 518-862-1090 ext. 3274.
Q: I used the Microsoft Word version of the report form last year and I still have the electronic file. May I just revise last year's form, or do I have to download a new form this year?
A: Yes, you may simply revise last year's form. Please be sure to enter the new reporting year on the first page of the form. Doing so should automatically change the years listed in the "Future Generation" section at the end of the form
Q: I can't open and/or print the forms, can you mail me paper copies?
A: Of course. Please contact Alyse Peterson or 518-862-1090 ext. 3274.
Q: I am not filing electronically and have my form ready to submit. Should I fax it?
A:No, faxes often come through garbled. Please send your form via regular mail.
Q: I manage my waste by Decay in Storage only (e.g., store the waste until it is no longer radioactive and then dispose as non-radioactive waste). Do I have to fill out the Long Form?
A: No, please use the Short Form for Decay in Storage Only.
Q: I am using the Long Form, but I do have some waste that I manage by Decay in Storage. Do I need to answer every question on the form for this waste?
A: No. Only limited information is required for waste managed by Decay in Storage (waste management code W7). For W7 waste, please respond only to the following section items:
- Section I;
- Section II, items A1, A2 and G30;
- Section IV, items B1 and B2; and
- Section V, items A.3 and C.
Q: I shipped out waste for disposal during the reporting year, but it did not arrive at the disposal facility until after December 31st. Do I report the waste as disposed during the reporting year?
A: No. Waste should be reported as disposed in the year that it arrives at the disposal facility, not the year that it was shipped.
Q: My waste undergoes treatment and/or processing off-site prior to arriving at the final disposal facility. Should the Section III disposal information I submit represent the waste as it left my facility or its condition as it arrived at the disposal facility?
A:Please submit information that is representative of the waste as it arrived at the disposal facility. Your broker or processor should be able to provide the information.
Q: I'm not sure what information to enter into the form.
A: Please just do the best you can to be accurate and complete. Attach explanations if you feel it is necessary. If you use the services of a LLRW broker or processor, that firm should be able to assist you in compiling the data.
Q: I use sealed sources that I return to the manufacturer or distributor. Do I need to report these as waste?
A: No. The manufacturer or distributor is responsible for determining whether these sources are actually waste or can be recycled.
Q: I dispose of my waste by diluting it and pouring it down the drain. Do I need to report this waste to NYSERDA?
A: No. That is considered an environmental discharge and should not be included on the report forms you submit to NYSERDA. Please check with your state and local regulatory agencies (e.g., New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Department of Health, New York City Department of Health, etc.) to determine any other reporting requirements relating to discharge of this material.
Q: I generate organic liquid scintillation fluids with trace quantities of radioactivity that are recycled for their energy content. Do I need to report these as waste?
A: No. Material that is recycled or beneficially used is not considered waste and does not need to be reported to NYSERDA. If you are unsure whether your organic liquid scintillation fluids are eligible for recycling, please contact your radioactive materials licensing agency.