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Multifamily Building Solutions Provider Portal


Multifamily Building Solutions Providers can access guidance documents, modeling tools, tech tips, marketing materials, and general updates below related to the Multifamily Building Solutions Network. If you have any questions about these materials, please contact [email protected].

News and Events

MPP Program Requirement

All SAV-ITs in the MPP pipeline must be approved by 6/30/2023.

All stage 3 and 4 deliverables must be submitted no later than 10/31/2025 and approved no later than 12/31/2025.

Separately, please note that construction extension requests are approved on a case-by-case basis. Lengthy extension requests will be asked to provide a construction schedule and may be required to conduct midpoint inspections.

Please reach out to your MPP project manager for any questions.

MPP Sunset Date and AMEEP

On February 4th, 2022, MPP closed and is no longer accepting new applications. The NYSERDA MPP staff will continue to support projects in the pipeline until completion and maintain the Multifamily Building Solutions Network.

The Joint Utilities of New York now implements the successor program; The New York State Affordable Multifamily Energy Efficiency Program (AMEEP), offers both comprehensive and non-comprehensive pathways to incentivize the installation of energy efficiency solutions in low-to-moderate income, multifamily buildings. To learn more, please visit this website to explore AMEEP's utility launch pages, program documents, and documents for contractors and energy service providers.

Program Options

MPP Version 10

MPP Version 9


Savings Verification and Information Tool


Heat Pump Demonstration Study

Heat Pump Demonstration Study Update

After confirming a number of projects, the Heat Pump Demonstration Study (HPDS) has reached its incentive budget cap. You can continue to send inquiries to [email protected] and the Multifamily Team will place any new HPDS inquiries on a waitlist. In the event HPDS funding becomes available, the Multifamily Team will contact waitlisted projects on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Assignment of Incentive Payments

Assignment of Incentive Payment: Forms and Information
As of December 31, 2020, MPP only accepts the form for "All Incentives" assignment of incentive payments. MPP no longer accepts the "Single Incentive" payment option. 

High Performance Component Version 8.1

The latest version of the High-Performance Component released December 2018 includes the following update:

  • Clarification of on-site generation and the impact on energy targets
  • Additional information on how HPC interacts with other programs



Savings Verification and Information Tool

Stage 4


MPP Version 8.1

The latest version of the Program released December 2018 includes the following updates to the Version 8 program:

  • Site-source ratio was changed from 3.14 to 2.55 (to reflect current conditions)
  • Requirement was added to follow the Simulation Guidelines in order to calculate energy savings
  • Local Law 84 was corrected to Local Law 87
  • Method to exclude savings from on-site generation was added
  • Timeline for the utility data pull in the Terms and Conditions was extended from 5 years to 10 years



Savings Verification and Information Tool

Stage 4


MPP Version 8

High Performance Component Version 8

MPP Version 7

Energy Use Snapshot

Through this service, Providers can request a free weather-normalized energy usage report for a multifamily building that is participating in MPP. Experienced professionals build the Snapshot report by applying tested, trusted industry best practices to actual electricity and gas usage data straight from the utilities. The Snapshot Report saves you money and time and gives you the most reliable starting point possible when considering an energy efficiency project.

Benefits of a Snapshot

The Snapshot is delivered as an Excel file, so you can view cell formulas. It provides analytics and graphs that can help you to:

  • Calibrate simulation models to weather-normalized billing usage
  • Analyze the property's heating, cooling, and baseload energy usage patterns
  • Identify which energy loads have the biggest opportunities for conservation measures

Snapshot Details

Utility data gathering. NYSERDA will obtain and include up to two years of electricity and gas usage data from the utilities. Providers will need to supply NYSERDA with bulk fuels and district steam usage data, as that cannot be obtained directly by NYSERDA. For properties with direct-metered residential units, the report includes the sample of in-unit meters and shows the process used for scaling up the sample to represent 100% of the residential units.

Regression analysis. The weather-normalized energy usage is determined by a regression analysis performed on the property's actual utility usage data. The analysis follows best practices for weather normalized energy measurement as established in ASHRAE Guideline 14 and the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP). The results of the regression analysis for each fuel are provided in the report along with a comparison showing how the regression model "fits" the original billing data. 

Degree day data. The report contains heating and cooling degree days and average temperatures per utility billing period.

Useful metrics. The report contains useful metrics about the property's energy use, such as heating and cooling slopes, baseload usage per apartment, and more.

Report delivery timeline. Reports are generally delivered to Providers about four weeks after they are requested.

Please note that a Provider must apply for this free Energy Use Snapshot service for any property that participates in the Multifamily Performance Program.

How to Request a Snapshot

A Provider must provide property information from the building owner and upload supporting documents in the Request Form in CRIS Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.. You should only submit an Energy Use Snapshot application if the project intends on also applying to MPP.

How to Request an Updated Snapshot for the Same Property

Requesting an additional Snapshot, months or years later, can help you to track achieved energy savings at the property. If you have already received a Snapshot for the property, getting an update is easy. Confirm or update the following information if it has changed since the last report. Do not complete a second Request Form through CRIS – instead, email the information outlined below to [email protected]

  • Name of the property – as it appears in the original Snapshot report
  • Bulk fuels and district steam billing data – attach updated billing and delivery data
  • Utility’s aggregated data – if you used these in the original Snapshot request submission, attach an updated file
  • New utility account numbers for common area of master meters – if the property has new accounts for common area of master meters since the original Snapshot, provide signed Data Release Authorization Forms (DRAFs) for those new account numbers. You do not need to send new DRAFs for any account numbers that were submitted with your original Snapshot request.
  • Changes to the building’s heating, cooling and DHW equipment – briefly describe any changes to fuel type and associated equipment
  • Property stats – if any of the following stats have changed since the original Snapshot report please provide updates: total heated floor area (sq. ft.); number of apartments; number of bedrooms
  • Any other information – review your original Request Form on CRIS. If any information has changed, please list the updated information in your email request


Email [email protected] if you have questions about the Energy Use Snapshot request process. 

Data Release Authorization Forms

Data Release Authorization Forms (DRAFs) allow NYSERDA to pull customer utility data. DRAFs are required as part of the Energy Use Snapshot application and at the As-Built stage. Reach out to your case manager for more details.

Please use this link to submit and sign all required Data Release Authorization Forms electronically:

Technical Tips

Tech Tips offer guidance and support for preparing the energy model and other required documentation for NYSERDA Multifamily submittals. 


MPP conducts quarterly webinars for Providers. The webinars generally consist of updates on the multifamily market, new technology discussions, and presentations on informative and relevant studies. The slides from previous MPP quarterly webinars can be requested by emailing [email protected].


Tools and Calculators

Lighting Tool

This tool is used to report proposed lighting information as compared to existing conditions, and to confirm Section 9.3 of the Simulation Guidelines has been followed regarding watt reduction allowances based on fixture type. Consider submitting this tool with SAV-IT submissions to expedite lighting comments in the review.

Model Calibration Tool - Weather Data

These tools and calculators are resources for MPP Providers for the energy modeling process.

MPP Code Reference Document

The purpose of this document is to provide easy reference for any mention of the NYS code within the Minimum Performance Standards and the Inspection Checklist.

Quality Assurance Reference Guide

Reference guide to understand quality assurance scoring criteria and specific requirements when installing measures.

TREAT Model Aggregation Tool

This tool is designed to assist modelers in importing TREAT simulation results into SAV-IT. The accompanying slides provide instructions to operate the tool and transfer the calculations into SAV-IT.

In-Unit Reference Guide

In light of COVID-19 building restrictions, the In-Unit Reference Guide will help determine how to gather information and track in-unit assumptions for a variety of measures. This reference document is meant to complement the guidance in the Simulation Guidelines and quality control flags built into the SAV-IT.


Marketing is critical in exposing the multifamily market to the Multifamily Building Solutions Network. In this section, we will provide various materials to assist you in your marketing and outreach efforts. If you have any suggestions for new materials or feedback on existing ones, please contact [email protected].

NYSERDA Multifamily Program Menu

Provides summary of available NYSERDA program offerings that support clean energy building improvements in affordable and market-rate multifamily buildings.

Attribution Logo

NYSERDA developed an attribution logo for Multifamily Building Solutions Providers to help identify your affiliation to the program on marketing and promotional materials related to MPP. The logo can be used on your websites, brochures and fact sheets, newsletters, and event-related materials that talk about MPP. Please refer to the attached guidelines regarding the use of the logo.

MPP Program Fact Sheet

Share this fact sheet with your potential clients so they can understand what MPP offers.

Building Energy Exchange’s High-Performance Technology Primers

The Building Energy Exchange developed High-Performance Technology Primers to help building owners better understand how different building system solutions can save energy and improve comfort in their buildings. You can use or reference the Primers in conversations with building owners as needed. Explore the categories below on the Building Energy Exchange websiteLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.:

  • Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation
  • Building Envelope
  • Domestic Hot Water
  • Lighting and Plug Loads
  • Renewable Energy