Interested applicants can access valuable information below to better understand the available cost-shared services through the FlexTech Program. You will also find guidance documents and templates that can be used to help submit an application. Please check back periodically for updated versions of these documents and resources.
Program Information
- Eligible Cost-shared Services [PDF]
- A listing of cost-shared service areas along with applicable caps, as listed in Section II. Program Cost-Share of PON 4192
- Service Definitions [PDF]
- A description of each eligible cost-shared service
- Fact Sheet [PDF]
- Salesforce User Guide
Guidelines and Templates
- Attachment B-1: Study Report Requirements [PDF]
- Energy Study Budget template [XLSM]
- An editable template for energy study budget development, which corresponds with the individual tasks included in the scope of work template
- Energy Study Scope of Work Guidelines template [DOCX]
- An editable template that includes guidance on items to include within an energy study scope of work
- FlexTech Invoice Template [PDF]
- An editable template for FlexTech Consultants and Independent Service Providers to use when submitting invoices to NYSERDA for FlexTech projects. Please refer to the instructions included in the template. FlexTech consultants should abide by the rates agreed upon in their Exhibit E Rate Schedule.
- FlexTech Process Timeline [PDF]
- FlexTech Report and ASHRAE Energy Audit Requirement Comparison [PDF]
- A side-by-side comparison of the FlexTech program report requirements and the ASHRAE Standard 211-2018 Energy Audit requirements.
- Heat Pump Analysis Guide [PDF]
- Indoor Air Quality Studies Guidelines [DOCX]
- Large Thermal Feasibility Study Requirements for FlexTech [PDF]
- Project Summary Sheet [XLSM]
- Reimbursement Request Form [PDF]
- Reimbursement requests will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis only for eligible applications received between June 15, 2020 and June 30, 2021. Please see the FlexTech Program Addendum [PDF] issued June 15, 2020, for additional details and eligibility requirements.
- Climate Resiliency Questionnaire [PDF]
P-12 Schools Eligibility Lists
Affordable Multifamily Document Library
- Attachment A-1: Program Application for AMEEP Coordinated Projects – CFA & Technical Assistance Terms [PDF]
- Affordable multifamily building projects that have already completed and submitted the project application for the Affordable Multifamily Energy Efficiency Program must complete and sign off on this standalone document to fulfill the Consolidated Funding Application and Technical Assistance Terms requirements for the FlexTech program. This application is only for projects that have submitted an Affordable Multifamily Energy Efficiency Program application first.
- Affordable Multifamily Buildings Verification Guidelines [PDF]
- These Guidelines detail the affordable housing definition, acceptable forms of affordability verification, and coordination with the Joint Utilities Affordable Multifamily Energy Efficiency Program (AMEEP).
- Affordable Multifamily Rent Roll [XLSM]
- An acceptable form of affordability verification. Review Affordable Multifamily Buildings Guidelines for details.
- FlexTech and IPNA Alignment Fact Sheet [PDF]
- This document provides information on how to align FlexTech and IPNA on reporting requirements, streamlining of requirements documents, process timing, and additional program opportunities for FlexTech and IPNA projects.
- FlexTech and AMEEP: How They Work Together [PDF]
- This document provides information on how to align FlexTech and AMEEP applications, streamlining of required documents, and timeline for both of these programs.
Multifamily Low Carbon Capital Planning
- Multifamily Low Carbon Capital Planning Guidelines [PDF]
- Multifamily Low Carbon Capital Planning Final Report Supplement [XLSM]
Training and Resources
- Multifamily Low Carbon Capital Planning Webinar/Final Report Supplement Walkthrough (Video)
- Multifamily Low Carbon Capital Planning Webinar/Final Report Supplement Walkthrough (Presentation slides) [PDF]
Higher Education
Indoor Air Quality
Virtual Audit Resources
- Virtual Audit and Assessment Process Manual [PDF]
- Detailed guidance for performing energy audits and assessments virtually.
- Virtual Audit and Assessment Toolbox [PDF]
- Customer support documents, guides, forms, and templates referenced throughout the VAA Process Manual.
Get in Touch
Email us at [email protected] with questions about a project, your eligibility, or the application process.