Getting Started
Applicants for the Charge Ready NY 2.0 rebate may be the equipment owner or the installer of the charging equipment on behalf of the equipment owner. To qualify for the rebate, applicants must select eligible charging station and network service provider.
Note that rebate amounts vary by property type, whether it’s located in a disadvantaged community, and whether sites participate in efforts to promote electric vehicle ownership
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Pre-Installation Applications
If you are applying before you install your charging station (pre-installation application), you must submit initial documents to NYSERDA. Upon approval, NYSERDA will reserve funds for your project, and you will have 180 days to install your stations and submit final documentation. Documents required for pre-installation approval include:
- Completed application form (completed online)
- Copy of Permit: Scan of building permit to install charging equipment or note from the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) that no building permit is required. Permit must be active from the pre-installation application date and cover the dates from the beginning of the construction through the installation activation date.
- Site Host Agreement: Scan of signed Site Host Agreement. If the Equipment Owner is also the property owner of the installation site, the Equipment Owner must still complete this form.
- Equipment Owner Agreement: Scan of signed Equipment Owner Agreement
- Installer Agreement: Scan of signed Installer Agreement, if applicable
- Scan of quote(s) from installers for the installation of charging equipment. The quote shall be itemized and clearly break out the following:
- Make and model name of the specific charging equipment with per-unit costs
- Networking fees annually
- Minimum three-year warranty, items covered and cost
- Estimated networking fees that the equipment owner will be responsible for the duration of the five-year Program reporting requirement (for equipment owner informational purposes)
- Site Map: Aerial view of the site showing all parking spaces and indicating where charging equipment will be installed
Post-Installation Applications
If you have installed your charging station within the last 90 days and the installation date is after the program effective date, you can apply and submit the following documentation in one submission.
- Completed application form (completed online)
- Serial numbers, network ID, and GPS coordinates to six decimal places for all charging equipment (submitted as part of completed application)
- Copy of Permit: Scan of building permit to install charging equipment or note from the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) that no building permit is required. Permit must be active from the beginning of the construction through the installation activation date.
- Site Host Agreement: Scan of signed Site Host Agreement. If the equipment owner is also the property owner of the installation site, the owner must still complete this form.
- Equipment Owner Agreement: Scan of signed Equipment Owner Agreement
- Installer Agreement: Scan of signed Installer Agreement, if applicable
- Site Map: Aerial view of the site showing all parking spaces and indicating where charging equipment will be installed.
- Installed Site Photo: Photo of the charging equipment installed so the equipment is visible at its site. Onsite signage or pavement markings and bollards/protective equipment must also be visible in the photo
- Serial Number Photo: Photo of the serial number visible on the outside of each piece of charging equipment
- Customer Support Number Photo: Photo of toll-free, 24-hour customer support service number posted on or near the charging equipment
- Charging Equipment Pricing Photo: Photo of kW pricing on the display screen of the charging equipment or associated kiosk
- Charging Equipment Installer Certification: Scan of signed Charging Equipment Installer Certification. If the equipment owner self-installed the charging equipment, the equipment owner must still complete this form.
- Network Service Agreement: Scan of proof of payment for one (1) year of network services. (EVSE must remain networked for the entire 5-year program reporting period)
- Proof of payment for equipment: Scan of proof of payment for eligible charging equipment. The proof of payment for the equipment should list information about the vendor (name, company, contact information), and include an itemized invoice that clearly breaks out the following:
- Make and model name of the specific equipment purchased with per-unit costs
- Networking fees annually
- Minimum three-year warranty duration, items covered and cost
- Other fees, such as provisioning fees (if applicable)
- Estimated networking fees that the Equipment Owner will be responsible for the duration of the five-year Program reporting requirement (for Equipment Owner informational purposes)
- Proof of payment for installation services: Scan of proof of payment from installer for the installation of eligible charging equipment. The proof of payment should include information about the installer (name, company, contact information), and include an itemized invoice that clearly breaks out the following (if applicable):
- If the Installer is the applicant, they must pass the entire rebate incentive through to the Equipment Owner. This must be clearly noted in the invoice from the Installer to the Equipment Owner
- Utility Make-Ready funding (if applicable) must be clearly noted in the invoice
- Labor associated with the installation of EVSE (hourly rates and number of hours at each rate). Labor associated with electric service upgrades listed separately
- Materials and hardware other than the EVSE, such as electrical conduit (linear feet), wiring, post or bollards for EVSE protection, etc. (please list out)
- Electric service upgrades
- Directly related site work (e.g., patching pavement that had to be torn up to install conduit; concrete slabs for EVSE installation; etc.)
- Permitting fees
- Other project management costs
Once the charging stations are completed, all required documentation has been submitted, reviewed, and approved, the applicant will receive the incentive from NYSERDA. Charge Ready NY 2.0 rebates can be combined with the New York State tax credit for installing charging stations. The tax credit is applied after deducting the funding you receive from NYSERDA. Equipment owners may be eligible for federal tax credits for installing charging stations. Information can be found here (opens in new window).
You can find all program rules in the Charge Ready NY 2.0 Program Implementation Manual [PDF]. Other documents, forms, and resources can be found under Program Resources.
Where Can I Install My Charging Station?
Any public, private, or not-for-profit entity is eligible. Charging stations must be installed at one of the following types of locations:
- Public Facility: Must be located in a disadvantaged community (DAC). They can be any facility owned, leased, or otherwise operated by a government body or public entity, including buildings, property, recreation areas and roads. Examples include municipal parking lots, on-street parking on public roads, government buildings, public libraries, municipal and state parks, municipal recreation centers, places of worship, non-profit entities that run community centers (YMCAs and Boys and Girls Clubs, etc.), and other similar locations. Publicly owned multifamily buildings are considered multi-unit dwellings for this program. Privately owned parking garages, restaurants, and retail locations are ineligible for Charge Ready NY 2.0.
- Workplace: A workplace site is a parking facility with at least 20 parking spaces that primarily serves employees who work at or nearby the facility. Workplace charging sites must have a minimum of 20 employees regularly working at the site. The charging equipment must be installed at parking spaces reserved for employees parking at a workplace site on a typical business day. Charging stations in assigned parking spaces reserved for the exclusive use of an individual driver or reserved for fleet vehicles are eligible at a reduced incentive level. Workplace sites may be employee-only parking lots or parking areas. Examples of workplace sites include office buildings, universities, schools, and hospitals. Privately owned parking garages, restaurants, and retail locations are ineligible for Charge Ready NY 2.0. Workplace sites that have more than 100 parking spaces will be considered large workplace sites.
- Multi-unit dwelling (multifamily property): An eligible multifamily property must have at least ten or more connected housing units and a parking facility with at least twenty parking spaces. More than 50% of vehicles regularly parked at a multifamily property site must be resident owned. Example sites include apartment buildings, condominiums, co-ops, public housing, and motels/hotels.
Motels/hotels are considered small multifamily property site under Charge Ready NY 2.0. Motels/hotels must install a minimum of four charging ports at each site. If a motel/hotel opts into the Bonus Incentive Program, their requirements and Bonus Incentive will be dependent on the number of charging ports installed. See Section 8 for Bonus Incentive application process requirements.
Individual residents or tenants who are not the building owner may not be the equipment owner at a multifamily property site. Charging equipment at multifamily property sites may be restricted to use by residents only or may be open to a broader user group. Charging stations in assigned parking spaces reserved for the exclusive use of an individual driver or reserved for fleet vehicles are eligible at a reduced incentive level.
Additional site requirements are described in the Program Implementation Manual [PDF].
Ineligible Locations
Charging stations at multifamily properties with fewer than ten connected housing units, including single-family homes, or at workplaces with fewer than twenty employees are NOT eligible. Projects that have received funding for charging equipment from any of the below programs are ineligible for Charge Ready NY 2.0:
- NYSDEC’s Municipal Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) and ZEV Infrastructure Rebate Program
- NYPA’s ReCharge NY Workplace Program
- Federal programs that offer grant funding for EV charging stations, such as the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program and the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program
- Any other NYSERDA initiatives that provide incentives for installing charging equipment, such as the Clean Energy Communities program.
- Charging equipment funded entirely (100%) by third parties is not eligible to receive incentives. This includes charging equipment provided to the Equipment Owner by automakers, Electrify America, and other entities.
Charging station owners must install charging stations that have been approved by NYSERDA and are listed on the Charge Ready NY 2.0 eligible charging equipment and networks list. Charging stations must be installed at an eligible New York State location that meets the requirements in the section above and in the Implementation Manual. Charging stations must be installed after the program effective date and must remain in operation for at least five years.
The Equipment Owner must set up access to usage data through the Network Services Vendor for the duration of the five years and made available to NYSERDA. All charging station data provided to NYSERDA through these charging stations will be the joint property of NYSERDA and the network provider. NYSERDA shall have the right to use, duplicate, or disclose the charging station data, in whole or in part, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever, and to permit others to do so. Network service vendors, NYSERDA, or the program administrator will be able to provide instructions for establishing NYSERDA as an administrator with data access. NYSERDA may, on an annual basis, survey equipment owners to obtain information about operating Charging Equipment and any problems encountered including, but not limited to, parts availability, warranty service, maintenance, and repair issues.
Inspection of Completed Projects
NYSERDA maintains the integrity of its program through an independent Standards and Quality Assurance team, which manages the Quality Assurance (QA) system for the program. The QA program has several components, including a review of qualifications and credentials, paperwork audits, establishment of program standards, and comprehensive field inspections. Field inspections include verification of the application scope of work, accuracy of the site conditions, comparison of installation to submitted design, application meets applicable code, and the overall delivered quality and operation of the electric vehicle charging equipment.
NYSERDA may select any completed project at any point in the future for a field inspection based on customer complaints, warranty-related issues, or otherwise. All equipment owners and installers are encouraged to perform in-house quality control of their projects.
For more information about the Charge Ready NY 2.0 program, please contact [email protected] or 866-595-7917.
How Much Money Is Available?
NYSERDA has committed $12 million for Charge Ready NY 2.0. You can track the amount of available funds remaining as the money is committed.
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