Heat Recovery Program
Harnessing Wasted Heat to Fuel Building Decarbonization

NYSERDA is working to energize the New York State marketplace for heat recovery solutions. Buildings, which represent around one-third of New York’s greenhouse gas emissions, waste heat (i.e., thermal energy) through a variety of processes, including ventilation, cooling, and wastewater systems. By capturing and repurposing that rejected energy, heat recovery solutions help building owners reduce operating costs and lower carbon emissions.
To increase awareness and adoption of heat recovery solutions, the Heat Recovery Program aims to advance solutions that can significantly improve thermal efficiency and support planning activities to accelerate a pipeline of successful heat recovery retrofits.
Heat Recovery Turns a Problem Into an Opportunity
Heat Recovery recycles wasted thermal energy, reducing a building’s energy consumption and carbon footprint. Recovering wasted heat – energy that building owners have already paid for – and repurposing it directly at point of use or storing it for later represents a promising approach to large building decarbonization.
Hudson 345
Retrofitting a 1931 NYC office building to recycle heating and cooling energy.
Watch Video
Recent Demonstrations Validate the Heat Recovery Opportunity in NYS
Recent projects, including the demonstration projects advanced through NYSERDA’s Empire Building Challenge (EBC), have shown that heat recovery is a no-regrets decarbonization strategy for many of New York’s existing building stock. All ten projects awarded by EBC have featured heat recovery in some form as part of a phased decarbonization retrofit [PDF].
By building on the successful demonstrations of this technology, this program aims to grow the pool of completed heat recovery projects from 10 to 100.
Learn More and Get Involved
We’re looking to work with consulting engineers, heat recovery solution providers, building owners and operators, and other key stakeholders to increase adoption of heat recovery solutions amongst a larger share of NYS buildings.
Project Development Program
Building owners and solution providers can apply for cost-share support for heat recovery opportunity assessments, project designs, project implementation, or business development services.
Become a Qualified Solution Provider
Manufacturers and solution providers can become qualified vendors for high-performance heat recovery solutions.
Heat Recovery Solutions
Explore the list of qualified heat recovery solution manufacturers and products to support low-carbon building retrofits.
News and Events
- Heat Recovery Roundtable [PDF] featuring Syracuse University Center of Excellence - Review presentations from the Roundtable held April 9, 2024.
- Heat Recovery Roundtable [PDF] featuring Starbucks Reserve Empire State Building- Review presentations from the Roundtable held January 31. 2024.
- Data Center Heat Reuse
: A management primer from the Uptime Institute on the opportunity to recover waste heat from data centers.
- The Future of Energy Efficiency
: Learn about holistic energy management solutions, including heat recovery, which is explored further in an article titled “Reject Rejected Energy” on page 44 of the report.
You Might Also Be Interested In:
NYSERDA has several programs that provide funding and technical assistance to support energy efficiency upgrades and decarbonization of commercial, industrial, institutional, and multifamily buildings.
- P-12 Schools Initiative: Provides resources and programs to pre-kindergarten through grade 12 schools that traditionally lack resources to invest in clean energy infrastructure improvements.
- Empire Building Challenge: Advances new design approaches for low-carbon retrofits in New York’s high-rise buildings through partnerships and funding for demonstration projects.
- Flexible Technical Assistance (FlexTech Program): Offers cost-share support to complete an energy study and evaluate opportunities to reduce energy costs and incorporate clean energy into capital planning.
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