2021 Closed Opportunities
Program Opportunity Notices (PON)
- New York Climate Progress [PDF]
- Fuel NY Portable Emergency Generator Program [PDF]
- Renewable Heat NY Program [PDF]
- Real Time Energy Management (RTEM) [PDF]
- Charge Ready NY [PDF]
- Commercial Tenant Program [PDF]
- Long Duration Energy Storage Technology and Product Development [PDF]
- Remote/Virtual Energy Audit Challenge [PDF]
- 2021 NYS Offshore Wind Training Institute Workforce Training Skills Development [PDF]
- Carbontech Development Initiative [PDF]
- Carbontech Entrepreneurial Fellowship Program [PDF]
- Empire Technology Prize Program Administrator [PDF]
Request for Proposals (RFP)
- Purchase of New York Tier 4 Eligible Renewable Energy Certificates(RECs) [PDF]
- Home Energy Savings Program [PDF]
- Just Transition Technical Assistance and Planning Services [PDF]
- Purchase of New York Competitive Tier 2 Eligible Renewable Energy Certificates [PDF]
- Purchase of New York Competitive Tier 2 Eligible Renewable Energy Certificates [PDF]
- Residential Heat Pump and Building Envelope Supply Chain Roundtables [PDF]
- 2021 RES Purchase of New York Tier 1 Eligible Renewable Energy Certificates [PDF]
- NY Green Bank - 15.48 MWdc Residential Solar Portfolio Sale [PDF]
- Sitecore CMS Administration and Web Development [PDF]
- Commercial & Industrial Carbon Challenge [PDF]
- Residential Energy Improvement Loan Origination Services [PDF]
- NY Green Bank Financial Market Transformation Evaluation [PDF]
- Statewide Industrial Facilities Stock Study [PDF]
- Implementation and Outreach Support for NYS Clean Transportation Prizes [PDF]
- Outreach and Technical Services to Support Clean Energy Communities - Downstate [PDF]
- Engineering Services Contract for the SDA and the WNYNSC [PDF]
- Audit Services [PDF]
- Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) Program Manager [PDF]
- Innovation Program Implementation Services [PDF]
- Resilience Integration Services for Anchor Contractor [PDF]
- Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) Utility Data Advisor [PDF]
- Strategic Energy Management: Energy Coach [PDF]
- Evaluation & Participant Assistance for NY Clean Transportation Prizes [PDF]
Request for Qualifications (RFQL)
- Charge Ready NY Equipment and Network Qualification Process [PDF]
- Fiscal Agent for an Offshore Wind Wildlife and Science Entity [PDF]
- Consultants for Stakeholder Advisory & Working Groups for NYStretch Development [PDF]
- Commercial Real Estate Services - Sale of the Saratoga Technology Energy Park [PDF]
- Marketing Services [PDF]
- Technical Assistance in Support of the NYS Clean Energy Transition [PDF]