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Monthly Average Price of Natural Gas - Residential


Notes about the content on this page:

New York - Statewide

Prices are dollars per thousand cubic feet ($/MCF).

2024 2023  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
January 14.55 17.20 13.83 11.21 11.37 12.28 9.51 9.86 10.30 10.51 11.18 11.27 11.67
February 14.75 16.57 13.09 10.87 11.62 11.44 11.23 11.04 9.45 9.79 11.32 10.80 11.69
March 15.46 16.08 14.15 11.53 11.93 10.86 12.09 10.81 9.64 9.34 11.78 11.41 12.99
April 15.04 15.08 14.84 13.84 12.07 12.09 11.29 11.09 9.88 10.19 12.49 12.65 13.06
May 18.13 16.70 17.61 15.02 11.56 13.99 14.19 14.45 10.99 12.68 14.55 15.73 15.13
June 21.38 19.70 24.59 17.55 16.03 17.06 19.32 16.28 14.69 16.26 17.99 18.16 18.00
July 23.22 21.74 26.20 21.25 19.34 19.86 20.10 19.14 16.64 17.09 18.99 19.25 17.40
August 23.29 22.69 26.17
23.11 19.82 20.14 20.83 19.06 17.86 17.30 18.88 18.99 18.78
September 23.46 20.97 28.22
22.19 19.24 19.97 20.15 18.12 17.34 17.50 17.86 18.42 18.16
October 22.31 19.97 21.93
N/A 16.08 16.89 17.15 17.17 14.87 14.24 15.99 16.12 15.26
November   16.28 19.28 17.29 13.67 12.45 12.18 13.07 10.95 12.26 12.27 12.27 11.35
December   14.69 16.75
14.65 12.15 10.75 11.64 10.52 9.60 11.43 10.66 10.50 11.97