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NY Grid CONNECT brings together technology companies New York’s utilities, researchers, and other stakeholders to accelerate innovative solutions and define challenges to build an electric grid that supports New York’s climate goals while ensuring affordability. This innovation focuses on five priorities Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. stability, resilience, flexibility, storage as a grid asset, and grid-enhancing technologies

Whether your company is a distributed energy resource developer, a cleantech startup, or in the Fortune 500, the NY Grid CONNECT Idea ExchangeLink opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. is a central channel to submit your company’s ideas to further the opportunities created by the Climate Act Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.. When your company submits an idea, you’ll receive streamlined evaluation, expert feedback, and, if successful, be matched with one of New York utilities and other potential market partners.


Grow Your Clean Energy Business in New York State with NY Grid CONNECT

NY Grid CONNECT is an online platform that is centrally managed by a team of experts who oversee content curation and idea submissions. The online tool enables streamlined knowledge sharing between New York State utilities Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. and potential technology partners, on both the innovation opportunities that the utilities require and the solutions that market partners aim to share.

The NY Grid CONNECT online portal supports several important use cases:

  • It allows New York State utilities to broadcast their innovation priorities as soon as they arise, so there is minimal delay in soliciting solutions from the marketplace. Interested solution providers can sign up through the portal to receive email updates about opportunities.
  • Companies can submit innovative ideas directly through the platform and receive expert feedback, technical support and business model evaluation, as well as potential matchmaking with one or more of the utilities and other market participants to pursue innovative partnerships.


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