All New York State higher education institutions are eligible to become members of Clean Green Campuses. To join, complete the following fields and questions to the best of your ability and click submit. Contact [email protected] with any questions.
*required field
Select all clean energy, energy efficiency, and renewable energy activities that currently apply to your institution.
My institution:
As an institution of higher education, we recognize the unique position we are in to further clean energy adoption in New York State through our actions on campus, by training tomorrow's leaders, and by working with our local communities.
We wish to publicly state our clean energy intentions, and to do so we agree to become a member of the Clean Green Campuses. Our membership signals our commitment to advance clean energy initiatives, reduce our carbon footprint, and build a more resilient and sustainable future for New York State.
By joining the Clean Green Campuses, we will strive to promote clean energy efforts in three areas:
We understand that as a member: