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IEDR Resources


Quarterly Reports











Frequently Asked Questions

Questions received from attendees of the May 17, 2024, General Stakeholder Event (GSE) [PDF] 

The IEDR Platform

  • How can I access the IEDR?
  • What is the IEDR?
    • The Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) will be a single statewide platform that securely collects and integrates a large and diverse set of energy-related data and shares meaningful information and insights on New York’s energy system to support our clean energy and climate commitment. Read more about the IEDR and its guiding principles.
  • Why do we need the IEDR?
    • The IEDR provides centralized access to useful energy-related data that is essential for achieving New York State’s policy goals to make its electricity system cleaner, more resilient, and more affordable, specifically the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.).
    • Accessing this useful energy data will enable analyses that inform investment decisions, identify operational inefficiencies, monitor the effectiveness of policy objectives, promote innovation, and encourage new business models.

The Orders that Established the IEDR

  • What are the IEDR Orders?

    The First IEDR Order

    • Issued by the Public Service Commission (PSC) on February 11, 2021, the "Order Implementing an Integrated Energy Data Resource" [1] was the first IEDR Order.
    • The first IEDR Order established:
      • The creation of an Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) that will provide New York’s energy stakeholders with a platform that enables effective access to and use of energy-related data to speed the deployment of clean energy solutions.
      • The regulatory expectation that the IEDR will enable approximately 50 use cases (“use case” definition below) over Phase 1 and 2 of development and specific deadlines for achieving minimum performance capabilities.

    The Second IEDR Order

    • Issued by the PSC on October 13, 2023, the "Order Addressing Integrated Energy Data Resource Matters Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page.[2] was the second IEDR Order.
    • The second Order clarified that the IEDR Platform is a “data custodian” and stated that “[t]he IEDR is such a centralized data warehouse that will function as a data custodian for the purposes of managing the energy-related data received from various sources, including from the Joint Utilities.” [3]
    • The October 2023 Order further required the Joint Utilities to transfer Customer Data Sets to the IEDR Administrator [4] (the IEDR Development Team) without customer consent, as such a transfer is an exchange of customer data between data custodians.
    • The October 2023 Order, in relevant parts, stated that “[a]s a data custodian, the IEDR will be governed by the DAF, which establishes the means and methods for ESEs to access Customer Data Sets and other energy-related information from the IEDR platform, while ensuring that such information is properly protected from unauthorized disclosures.” Accordingly, all aspects of the IEDR comply and will continue to comply with the framework and requirements that the Commission established for the DAF.

    The Third Order

    • Issued by the PSC on January 18, 2024, the “Order Approving Integrated Energy Data Resource Phase 2 Budgets” [5] was the second IEDR Order.
    • The third IEDR Order approved funding for Phase 2 of the IEDR Program, which commenced on April 1, 2024.
    • The approved Phase 2 funding supports the regulatory expectation established by the first IEDR Order that the IEDR will enable approximately 50 use cases by the end of Phase 2.

Platform Development

  • How and when will the IEDR develop and deliver datasets, features, and functionality to the user community?
    • The availability of datasets and platform features and functionality within the IEDR will be iteratively developed and released Link opens in new window - close new window to return to this page. to the public throughout time in two phases of development.

    Phase 1 of Development

    • Within Phase 1 of development, the IEDR had two major public releases of the platform: the Initial Public Version (IPV) completed March 31, 2023, and Minimum Viable Product (MVP) completed March 27, 2024 .
    • Phase 1 of development and the IPV and MVP releases encompassed 8 out of the projected 50 use cases, which included numerous datasets and platform features as detailed in the “Phase 1 Major Public Releases” section below.

    Phase 2 of Development

    • Phase 2 of development will build on the accomplishments of Phase 1 by developing and releasing a projected 40+ new use cases throughout Phase 2. Phase 2 will be completed 30-36 months after the end of Q1 2024 and Phase 1 of development.
    • Details on Phase 2 use cases and the Phase 2 use case development roadmap are currently being drafted by the Program Team.

Data Update Timelines

  • How current is the data in the IEDR?
    • For the MVP release, from the time utility data is received by the IEDR to the time it is made available to users, data may have latency of over one month due to initial coordination efforts to create alignment in file contents and formatting. Data latency timelines are anticipated to reduce overtime; such changes will be reflected here in future updates to this page.
Data Frequency of Updates
PV Hosting Capacity Annually, or more frequent1
Installed DER Monthly
Planned DER Monthly
EV Load Capacity Annually
ESS Hosting Capacity
Annually, or more frequent1 
Rate Plan Data Aperiodic – Within 2 Business Days of Publish to DPS Website for new rates or changes to existing rates

Phase 1 Major Public Releases

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

  • What is MVP?
    • The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) release of the platform is the second public release of the platform that occurred in Phase 1 of development. The MVP is a valuable resource for multiple stakeholders working to achieve New York State’s clean energy goals. An additional 5 use cases have been released with MVP in Q1 2024, which concludes Phase 1 of the IEDR Program.
    • MVP use cases included: DER Siting –Environmental, Community, Terrain, Land, and Property Assessment, EIAT (Electronic Infrastructure Assessment Tool) Hosting Capacity & DER Map Enhancements, Find and Filter Rate Options Across NYS IOU Utilities, Access to Basic Rate Data and Tariff Book for Individual Rate, and Efficient and Effective Access to Existing Customer Billing Data* 

      *Available in an online environment known as a “sandbox environment” that allows users to explore the functionality and value of the use case with mock data sets, and to submit comments and suggestions to the Ideas Portal without having to complete the full IEDR Green Button Connect registration process. The full rollout of this feature, which will allow utility customers to share their actual customer data with approved third-party energy companies, will be forthcoming later in 2024 as part of Phase 2 program development.
    • The Initial Public Version (IPV) was the first public release of the platform that occurred in Phase 1 of development; the IPV was launched on March 31, 2023.
      • IPV use cases included: Consolidated Hosting Capacity Maps, Installed Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), and Planned Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) (Interconnection Queue).
      • MVP functionality now encapsulates the IPV


IEDR Program Acronym List

AG: Advisory Group

AMI: Advanced metering infrastructure 

CAIDI: Customer Average Interruption Duration Index. This is a utility service reliability metric that describes the average time required to restore service. 

CCA: Community choice aggregation 

CDG: Community distributed generation 

CESIR: Coordinated Electric System Interconnection Review 

CLCPA: Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act 

DACs: Disadvantaged communities

DAF: Data Access Framework 

DEC: Department of Environmental Conservation

DG: Distributed generation 

DER: Distributed energy resource  

DR: Demand response 

DSM: Demand-side management 

DSO: Distribution system operator 

DPS: Department of Public Service

EDI: Electronic data interchange 

EIAT: Electrical Infrastructure Assessment Tool

EJ: Environmental justice

ESCOs: Energy service companies 

ESS: Energy storage system

ESE: Energy service entities

EUI: Energy use intensity

EV: Electric vehicle

EVSE: Electric vehicle supply equipment

GBC: Green Button Connect

GHG: Greenhouse gas

HC: Hosting capacity

ICAP: Installed capacity

IEDR: Integrated Energy Data Resource

IPV: Initial Public Version

JU: Joint Utilities of New York

KW: Kilowatt

LCF: Low-carbon fuels

LMI: Low to moderate income

MFH: Multi-family housing

MVP: Minimum Viable Product

MW: Megawatt

NYS: New York State

NYISO: New York Independent System Operator

NYSERDA: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

PV Hosting Capacity: Photovoltaic hosting capacity

RFP: Request for proposal

SAIDI: System Average Interruption Duration Index. This is a utility service reliability metric that describes the total duration of the average customer interruption.

SAIFI: System Average Interruption Frequency Index. This is a utility service reliability metric that describes how often the average customer experiences an interruption. 

SIR: Standardized Interconnection Requirements

TOU: Time of use 

UCG: Utility Coordination Group

VDER: Value of Distributed Energy Resources. This is a newer method for excess solar energy compensation designed to more accurately compensating renewable energy generation in regard to environment and electrical grid benefits. With VDER users receive a monetary credit that can roll over into future billing cycles. 

3V0: Zero-sequence overvoltage 

Learn More About the IEDR

Related Program Literature


  1. Case 20-M-0082,- Proceeding on Motion of the Commission Regarding Strategic Use of Energy Related Data, Order Implementing an Integrated Energy Data Resource, Issued. February 11, 2021.
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  2. Case 20-M-0082, - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission Regarding Strategic Use of Energy Related Data, Order Addressing Integrated Energy Data Resource Matters, October 13, 2023.
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  3. Case 20-M-0082, - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission Regarding Strategic Use of Energy Related Data, Order Addressing Integrated Energy Data Resource Matters, October 13, 2023.
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  4. For all intents and purposes, IEDR Administrator is synonymous with IEDR Development Team in IEDR related literature.
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  5. Case 20-M-0082, - Proceeding on Motion of the Commission Regarding Strategic Use of Energy Related Data, Order Approving Integrated Energy Data Resource Phase 2 Budgets, January 19, 2024.
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