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Program Participants


The universe of individuals and organizations that may be interested in the development and operations of the IEDR extends beyond the group of potential users of and contributors to the IEDR platform. In the broadest sense, this includes parties interested in providing professional services or supplying technical components for the IEDR.

Learn more about IEDR Program participants, stakeholder bodies, and their roles and responsibilities by reading the IEDR Program Charter [PDF].



Stakeholders are made up of individuals and organizations that have an interest in the development and operations of the IEDR, extending beyond groups of potential users and contributors of the platform. In the broadest sense, this includes parties interested in providing professional services or supplying technical components for the IEDR.
Stakeholders will have meaningful opportunities to contribute to the development of the IEDR through a robust schedule of workshops, technical conferences, periodic reports, and other formats.

Advisory Group

The Advisory Group provides a venue to enable members of diverse stakeholder groups to meet, discuss, and provide timely commentary and guidance to the Program Sponsor and Steering Committee. The Advisory Group is an essential source of guidance and expertise but serves purely in an advisory capacity and is not vested with any decision-making authority.

Tier 1 Advisory Group Membership

Advisory Group Member Organization
Aaron Breidenbaugh CPower
Andrew Owens NYS Department of Public Service
Aric Rider NYS Department of Public Service
Austin Perea Arcadia
Brent Kinal NYS Office of Renewable Energy Siting
Chris O'Connor NYS Office of Information Technology Services (ITS)
Craig Wilson M3 Energy
Danielle Panko New York State Department of State (DOS)
Dave Crudele NYSERDA
David Terry National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO)
Deb Peck Kelleher The Alliance for Clean Energy New York
Derek Werthmuller University at Albany Center for Technology in Government
Dhruv Patel New York Solar Energy Industries Association (NYSEIA)
Duncan Campbell Scale Microgrids
Ed Scarborough Distributed Sun
Fred Farella Orenda Power
Jay Best Building Performance Contractors Association of NYS
Katy Hatcher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Kevin Kelly NYS Department of Public Service
Leon Bukhman Con Edison
Marco Padula NYS Department of Public Service
Michael D'Angelo Advanced Energy United
Michael Murray Mission:Data Coalition
Richard Spilky Constellation Energy
Sean Isakower NYS Department of Public Service
Sylvie Binder NYC Mayor's Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
Tracy Narel U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Walter Rojowsky Central Hudson

Utility Coordination Group

The Utility Coordination Group (UCG), convened by the Program Sponsor, provides a venue for collaboration, coordination, and oversight of utility activities related to the design and implementation of the IEDR and alignment with the schedules and activities of the Data Access Framework proceeding (DAF). The UCG shall serve as the venue to address all issues related to the intersection of the IEDR and DAF.

Utility Coordination Group Members

The UCG will be comprised of members of the Steering Committee or their designees, two from DPS and two from NYSERDA, the Program Sponsor, the Program Manager, and the senior-level leader of each Utility IEDR implementation team that is established in compliance with the IEDR Order.


As custodians of customer and system data, the active participation of utilities in all aspects of the IEDR initiative is essential to the IEDR Program's success. In addition to the participation of all the Utilities as members of the UCG, the Utilities will be represented on the Advisory Committee and, most importantly, as active contributors to the full range of stakeholder meetings, workshops, technical conferences, and working groups. 

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is an interagency working group representing the State of New York that is responsible for monitoring all aspects of IEDR Program execution and operation. The Steering Committee will provide oversight of the development, implementation, and operation of the IEDR by addressing policy, schedule, and budget issues associated with the IEDR Program. As such, the Steering Committee is the "governing body" for the IEDR Program. The IEDR Steering Committee's responsibilities also include providing guidance and direction to the Program Sponsor and IEDR Program Manager. The Steering Committee will perform its functions over the life of the IEDR.

Steering Committee Members

The Steering Committee is comprised of five representatives from the New York State Department of Public Service and four representatives from NYSERDA.

Other Providers of Energy Data


The value of the IEDR will be enhanced as sources of energy data expand beyond utilities to include data than can be provided by other providers of relevant information. The IEDR will be designed to scale and grow to effectively incorporate what is expected to be an evolving and expanding group of data resources including public sources such as weather data and other published data sets.


The IEDR Program Team

Program Sponsor

The IEDR Order designated NYSERDA to assume the Program Sponsor's role with overall accountability for the IEDR initiative. The Program Sponsor is assigned responsibility for defining, initiating, overseeing, and facilitating the IEDR Program on behalf of the State. In carrying out its Responsibilities, the Program Sponsor will assure:

  • Effective extensive collaboration with and among stakeholders, including the Utilities;
  • Procuring the services of individuals and organizations that possess the necessary expertise and experience in the development, implementation, and operation of a data platform of similar scale and scope; and
  • Unambiguous regulatory requirements including firm schedules and milestones.

Program Manager

Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) Program Manager RFP 4737

Deloitte Consulting, LLP (Deloitte) was awarded a contract to serve as Program Manager for the IEDR. The Program Manager will be responsible for organizing and administering the activities related to the Program.

The Program Manager, in consultation with the Program Sponsor, is responsible for organizing and administering the IEDR’s design, development, and implementation. These responsibilities include:

  • Support for all stakeholder engagement activities,
  • Development and management of the IEDR program schedule and budget,
  • Development of procurements and scopes, as well as management of professional services to design, build, and deploy the IEDR.

Utility Data Advisor

Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) Utility Data Advisor RFP 4764

Pecan Street Inc. (Pecan Street) was awarded a contract to serve as Utility Data Advisor for the IEDR. The Utility Data Advisor will be a dedicated resource to oversee and provide guidance on the utility data sourcing efforts including the technology needed to provide data to the IEDR and related investments.

Solution Architect and Development Team

Integrated Energy Data Resource (IEDR) Solution Architect and Development Team Contractor RFP 4968

E Source Companies, LLC (E Source) was awarded a contract to serve as the Solution Architect and Development Team (Development Team) for the IEDR. The Development Team (including UtilityAPI, Flux Tailor, TRC Companies, and HumanLogic) is responsible for designing, building, and operating the IEDR platform. These responsibilities include:

  • Use Case Development
  • Requirements Definition & Achievement
  • Testing & Deployment