Environmental Research and Development Technical Reports
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Air Quality and Related Health Research: Particulate Matter (PM), Ozone, and Co-Pollutants
- A case-crossover study of ST-elevation myocardial infarction and organic carbon and source-specific PM2.5 concentrations in Monroe County, New York [PDF]
- Comparison of the rate of healthcare encounters for influenza from source-specific PM2.5 before and after tier 3 vehicle standards in New York state [PDF]
- Change in rate of healthcare encounters for respiratory infection from air pollution exposure after improved vehicle emissions standards in New York State [PDF]
- Ozone sensitivity to high energy demand day electricity and onroad emissions during LISTOS
- A case-crossover study of ST-elevation myocardial infarction and organic carbon and source-specific PM2.5 concentrations in Monroe County, New York [PDF]
- PM2.5 and its components and respiratory disease healthcare encounters – Unanticipated increased exposure-response relationships in recent years after environmental policies [PDF]
- Supplemental Material for PM2.5 and its components and respiratory disease healthcare encounters – unanticipated increased exposure-response relationships in recent years after environmental policies [PDF]
- Changes in source specific PM2.5 from 2010 to 2019 in New York and New Jersey identified by dispersion normalized PMF
- Long term trends in source apportioned particle number concentrations in Rochester NY [PDF]
- Increasing Contributions of Temperature Dependent Oxygenated Organic Aerosol to Summertime Particulate Matter in New York City [PDF]
- Environmental exposure disparities in ultrafine particles and PM2.5 by urbanicity and socio-demographics in New York state, 2013–2020
- 23-21 Long-Term Monitoring of Methane in New York State: Assessing the Impact of Shifting Energy Portfolios on regional Air Quality and Climate [PDF]
- Wood combustion nanoparticles emitted by conventional and advanced technology cordwood boilers, and their interactions in vitro with human lung epithelial monolayers
- Characterization of intra-continental smoke transport and impact on New York State air quality using aerosol reanalysis and multi-platform observations
- The impacts of transported wildfire smoke aerosols on surface air quality in New York State: A multi-year study using machine learning
- Ambient PM2.5 organic and elemental carbon in New York City: changing source contributions during a decade of large emission reductions
- Observations of Aerosol Spatial Distribution and Emissions in New York City Using a Scanning Micro Pulse Lidar
- Health and charge benefits from decreasing PM2.5 concentrations in New York State: Effects of changing compositions
- Using machine learning to derive cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations from commonly available measurements [PDF]
- Reactive oxidized nitrogen speciation and partitioning in urban and rural New York State
- Observations and Models of Turbulence During Heat Events in Complex Urban Coastal Regions Using Multiple Doppler Wind Lidars
- Variation of Ozone and PBL from the Lidar Observations and WRF-Chem Model in NYC Area During the 2018 Summer LISTOS Campaign
- Observation of Fast Tropospheric Dynamics and Impacts on Humidity and Air Pollution During a Heatwave Event in New York City, as Observed by Lidars, Other Profilers and Surface Measurements
- Correlation Study of Planetary-Boundary-Layer-Height Retrievals from CL51 and CHM15K Ceilometers with Application To PM2.5 Dynamics in New York City
- Observation of Wildfire Smoke Transport and PBL Variation During Summer 2018 Listos Campaign in New York City
- Enhancing the Evaluation and Interpretability of Data-Driven Air Quality Models
- On the Importance of Surface-Enhanced Renoxification as an Oxides of Nitrogen Source in Rural and Urban New York State
- Long Island enhanced aerosol event during 2018 LISTOS: Association with heatwave and marine influences
- Estimation of aerosol liquid water from optical scattering instruments using ambient and dried sample streams
- Evolution of Aerosol Under Moist and Fog Conditions in a Rural Forest Environment: Insights From High‐Resolution Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Assessing Air Quality and Public Health Benefits of New York City's Climate Action Plans
- Characterization of Residential Woodsmoke PM2.5 in the Adirondacks of New York State
- Mobile Laboratory Measurements of High Surface Ozone Levels and Spatial Heterogeneity During LISTOS 2018: Evidence for Sea Breeze Influence
- Changes in the hospitalization and ED visit rates for respiratory diseases associated with source-specific PM2.5 in New York State from 2005 to 2016
- Comparison of multiple PM2.5 exposure products for estimating health benefits of emission controls over New York State, USA
- Revised treatment of wet scavenging processes dramatically improves GEOS-Chem 12.0.0 simulations of surface nitric acid, nitrate, and ammonium over the United States
- Ambient Ammonia Concentrations Across New York State
- Ozone Production Efficiencies at Rural New York State Locations: Relationship to Oxides of Nitrogen Concentrations
- Emission influences on air pollutant concentrations in New York state: II. PM2.5 organic and elemental carbon constituents
- Changes in the acute response of respiratory diseases to PM2.5 in New York State from 2005 to 2016
- Emission influences on air pollutant concentrations in New York State: I. ozone
- Term birth weight and ambient air pollutant concentrations during pregnancy, among women living in Monroe County, New York
- Differential Probability Functions for Investigating Long-Term Changes in Local and Regional Air Pollution Sources
- Economic analysis of a field monitored residential wood pellet boiler heating system in New York State
- Long-term trends (2005–2016) of source apportioned PM2.5across New York State
- Investigation of levoglucosan decay in wood smoke smog-chamber experiments: The importance of aerosol loading, temperature, and vapor wall losses in interpreting results
- Near-source air quality impact of a distributed natural gas combined heat and power facility
- Nanoparticle emissions from residential wood combustion: A critical literature review, characterization, and recommendations
- Long-Term Changes of Source Apportioned Particle Number Concentrations in a Metropolitan Area of the Northeastern United States
- The Association between Respiratory Infection and Air Pollution in the Setting of Air Quality Policy and Economic Change
- Assessing uncertainties of a geophysical approach to estimate surface fine particulate matter distributions from satellite-observed aerosol optical depth
- A long-term source apportionment of PM2.5 in New York State during 2005–2016
- Do elevated blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids modify effects of particulate air pollutants on fibrinogen?
- The effect of heat recovery on near-source plume dispersion of a simple cycle gas turbine
- Spatial-aware source estimation in building downwash environments
- Triggering of cardiovascular hospital admissions by fine particle concentrations in New York state: Before, during, and after implementation of multiple environmental policies and a recession
- Hourly land-use regression models based on low-cost PM monitor data
- Temperature effects on multiphase reactions of organic molecular markers: A modeling study
- Changes in Gas-Phase Air Pollutants across New York State, USA
- Associations between ambient wood smoke and other particulate pollutants and biomarkers of systemic inflammation, coagulation and thrombosis in cardiac patients
- Observed and Model-Derived Ozone Production Efficiency over Urban and Rural New York State
- Microenvironmental air quality impact of a commercial-scale biomass heating system
- Determination of Mercury and Other Trace Elements in Home Heating Oil Used in New York State
- PM 2.5 and gaseous pollutants in New York State during 2005–2016: Spatial variability, temporal trends, and economic influences
- Daily land use regression estimated woodsmoke and traffic pollution concentrations and the triggering of ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a case-crossover study
- Performance Evaluation of Two 25 kW Residential Wood Pellet Boiler Heating Systems
- Comparative emissions characterization of a small-scale wood chip-fired boiler and an oil-fired boiler in a school setting
- 17-18 Studies of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Off-Gassing from Stored Pellets [PDF]
Alternative Energy Impacts
- 21-07 Digital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - Overview and Summary [PDF]
- 21-07a Digital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - Volume 1: Methods, General Results, Limitations and Discussion [PDF]
- 21-07b Digital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - Volume 2: Results (Birds) [PDF]
- 21-07c Digital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - Volume 3: Results (Turtles) [PDF]
- 21-07d Digital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - Volume 4: Results (Marine Mammals) [PDF]
- 21-07e Digital Aerial Baseline Survey of Marine Wildlife in Support of Offshore Wind Energy - Volume 5: Results (Sharks and Rays) [PDF]
- 21-03 Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy Environmental Assessment Project [PDF]
- Stakeholder Workshop: Scientific Research Framework to Understand the Effects of Offshore Wind Energy Development on Birds and Bats in the Eastern United States [PDF]
- 18-34 Enhanced Hydropower Database [PDF]
- 16-35 Metocean Plan for the New York Offshore Study Area [PDF]
- Benefit-Cost Analysis of Potential Food Waste Diversion Legislation [PDF]
- 15-16 Advancing the Environmentally Responsible Development of Offshore Wind Energy in New York [PDF]
Climate Change
- 22-32 Climate Change Vulnerability of Eutrophication and Algal Blooms in New York State [PDF]
- 22-16 Flood Impacts and Adaption Strategies: Filling Data Gaps in Upstate and Western New York [PDF]
- 22-02 Coastal Resiliency and Morphodynamic Responses to Storm Surge and Seiche in Eastern Lake Erie [PDF]
- 21-29 Carbon Cycling and Environmental Impacts from Growing, Harvesting, and Processing Forest Biomass in New York State [PDF]
- 21-27 Climate Change: Equitable Access to Cooling in New York City [PDF]
- 21-23 Influence of Storm Surge Barrier Closures on Estuary Physical Conditions [PDF]
- 21-01 Assessment of Future Typical Meterological Year Data Files [PDF]
- Life cycle assessment of forest biomass energy feedstock in the Northeast United States
- 20-33 Open-Source Tropical Cyclone Risk Modeling for New York Sate [PDF]
- 20-31 Climate Needs Assessment for New York State [PDF]
- 20-13 Potential for Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Technologies in New York State [PDF]
- Statewide Shoreline Monitoring Framework and Protocols
- 20-06 Sources and Sinks of Major Greenhouse Gases Associated with New York State's Natural and Working Lands: Forests, Farms, and Wetlands [PDF]
- 20-02 A Building Resilience Assessment for the New York City Housing Authority [PDF]
- Guide to Inland Flooding Tools for Communities [PDF]
- 19-09 NYSERDA Environmental Research Program Plan Research Area 2: Climate Change Adaptation [PDF]
- 18-25 Health Impacts of Power Outages and Warm Weather on Food Safety [PDF]
- 18-02 Population Vulnerability to Climate Change in New York State [PDF]
- Evaluating the costs and benefits of marsh-management strategies while accounting for uncertain sea-level rise and ecosystem response
- 18-04 Integrating SLAMM Results and Stakeholder Priorities to Define Marsh Adaptation Strategies [PDF]
- 16-16s Summary Report New York Natural Resource Navigator [PDF]
- 16-16 New York Natural Resource Navigator [PDF]
- 16-18 Analysis of Future Floodplains in New York State [PDF]
- Storm Damage and Community Preparedness Fact Sheet [PDF]
Ecosystem Response to Atmospheric Deposition of Sulfur, Nitrogen and Mercury
- 23-17 Lowering Ash Content of Biomass Using Hot-Water Extraction (HWE) and Hot-Water Extracted Lignin [PDF]
- Long-term monitoring of cloud water chemistry at Whiteface Mountain: the emergence of a new chemical regime
- ACLC Science Summary Report 2023 [PDF]
- 22-07 Changes in Stream Chemistry in the East-Central Adirondack Region of New York State, 2010-2018 [PDF]
- Overview of the CPOC Pilot Study at Whiteface Mountain, NY [PDF]
- 22-01 Methods of Liming to Accelerate the Reversal of Acidic Deposition in Calcium-Depleted Adirondack Watersheds [PDF]
- Have Sustained Acidic Deposition Decreases Led to Increased Calcium Availability in Recovering Watersheds of the Adirondack Region of New York, USA? Journal: Soil Systems
- Net Geochemical Release of Base Cations From 25 Forested Watersheds in the Catskill Region of New York. Journal: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change
- The Buck Creek-Boreas River Adirondack Watershed Monitoring Program
- 20-37 Mercury Dynamics in Finger Lakes Fish and Invertebrates [PDF]
- 20-35 Decreases in Aluminum Toxicity and Mortality of Caged Brook Trout in Adirondack Mountain Streams [PDF]
- Biological and chemical recovery of acidified Catskill Mountain streams in response to the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
- Trends and current status of aluminum chemistry in Adirondack headwater streams 30 Years after the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
- Reversal of Forest Soil Acidification in the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada: Site and Soil Factors Contributing to Recovery
- Landscape influence on the Browning of a Lake Watershed in the Adirondack Region of New York, USA
- How will air quality effects on human health, crops and ecosystems change in the future?
- 20-27 Assessment of Methods for Soil Monitoring in the Adirondack Region of New York State [PDF]
- 20-32 Ratios of Methylmercury to Total Mercury in Predator and Primary Consumer Insects from Adirondack Streams in New York State [PDF]
- Overview of the CPOC Pilot Study at Whiteface Mountain, NY: Cloud Processing of Organics within Clouds (CPOC)
- A Synthesis of Patterns of Environmental Mercury Inputs, Exposure and Effects in New York State
- 20-19 The Response of Streams to Changes in Atmospheric Deposition of Sulfur and Nitrogen in the Adirondack Mountains [PDF]
- Identifying environmental threats to Common Loon reproductive success in New York's Adirondack Park [PDF]
- Adirondack Loons: Have they benefitted from mercury emission controls? [PDF]
- 20-05 Land-Atmosphere Dynamics of Mercury and Ecological Implications for Adirondack Forest Ecosystems [PDF]
- The response of stream ecosystems in the Adirondack region of New York to historical and future changes in atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen
- 20-04 Predictive Relations Between Acid-Base Chemistry and Fish Assemblages [PDF]
- 20-01s Summary Report Monitoring Spatial Gradients and Temporal Trends of Mercury in Songbirds of New York State, 2013–2017 [PDF]
- 20-01 Monitoring Spatial Gradients and Temporal Trends of Mercury in Songbirds of New York State, 2013–2017 [PDF]
- Widespread diminishing anthropogenic effects on calcium in freshwaters
- Declining Aluminum Toxicity and the Role of Exposure Duration on Brook Trout Mortality in Acidified Streams of the Adirondack Mountains, New York, USA
- Beta diversity response to stress severity and heterogeneity in sensitive versus tolerant stream diatoms
- Recovery of Soils from Acidic Deposition May Exacerbate Nitrogen Export from Forested Watersheds
- A Newly Identified Role of the Deciduous Forest Floor in the Timing of Green-Up
- Probabilistic relations between acid–base chemistry and fish
assemblages in streams of the western Adirondack Mountains, New York, USA
- 19-30 The Long-Term Monitoring Lakes: A Compendium of Site Descriptions, Recent Chemistry and Selected Research Information [PDF]
- 19-29 Spatial and Temporal Variability of Fish Assemblages in Acidified Streams: Implications for Long-Term Monitoring (Summary Report) [PDF]
- 19-15 Compilation, Analysis and Publication of Adirondack Effects Assessment Program (AEAP) Data and Associated Data Sets [PDF]
- Evaluation of CMAQ coupled with a state-of-the-art mercury chemical mechanism (CMAQ-newHg-Br)
- Integrating mercury research and policy in a changing world
- A Critical Time for Mercury Science to Inform Policy
- Air pollution success stories in the United States: The value of long-term observations
- 18-17 Acidic Deposition and Biodiversity of Forest Understory Plant Communities in the Hardwood Forests of the Adirondack Mountains [PDF]
- 18-26s Results of the 2010-2011 East-Central Adirondack Stream Survey (ECASS) Summary Report [PDF]
- 18-26 Results of the 2010-2011 East-Central Adirondack Stream Survey (ECASS) [PDF]
- Plant richness and composition in hardwood forest understories vary along an acidic deposition and soil-chemical gradient in the northeastern United States
- 18-19 The Response of Soil and Stream Chemistry to Decreases in Acid Deposition in the Catskill Mountains, New York [PDF]
- Decoupled trophic responses to longterm recovery from acidification and associated browning in lakes
- Temporal variability in stream fish assemblage metrics and implications for long-term monitoring
- Acidification impacts and goals of gauging recovery of trout populations and fish communities in streams of the Western Adirondack Mountains, New York, USA
- 18-35 Connecting Cloud Water Inorganic and Organic Chemical Composition at Whiteface Mountain [PDF]
- 18-18 Effects of Watershed and In-Stream Liming on Macroinvertebrate Communities in Acidified Tributaries to Honnedaga Lake, NY [PDF]
- Long-term dataset on aquatic responses to concurrent climate change and recovery from acidification
- Deposition of mercury in forests across a montane elevation gradient: Elevational and seasonal patterns in methylmercury inputs and production
- Biogenic, urban, and wildfire influences on the molecular composition of dissolved organic compounds in cloud water
- 17-27 Acidification and Forest Understory Plant Communities in the Adirondack Mountains [PDF]
- 17-26 Soil Acidification and Beech Bark Disease: Influencing the Composition and Structure of Sugar Maple/Beech Forests [PDF]
- Variation in fish mercury concentrations in streams of the Adirondack region, New York: A simplified screening approach using chemical metrics
- 17-04 Liming Alters Soil Microbial Community and Processes in Northern Mixed Hardwood Forests [PDF]
- 16-38 Patterns of Nutrient Dynamics in Adirondack Lakes Recovering from Acid Deposition [PDF]
- 17-02 Summary Report - Assessing Brook Trout Populations in Headwater Streams of the Adirondack Mountains Using Environmental DNA[PDF]
- 17-01 Response of Fish Assemblages to Decreasing Acid Deposition in Adirondack Mountain Lakes [PDF]
- Can the eastern red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) persist in an acidified landscape?
- Methods of Resampling to Monitor Changes in the Chemical Concentrations of Forest Soils
- Long-term temporal trends and spatial patterns in the acid-base chemistry of lakes in the Adirondack region of New York in response to decreases in atmospheric deposition
- Watershed-scale changes in terrestrial nitrogen cycling during a period of decreased atmospheric nitrate and sulfur deposition
- Mercury, selenium and fish oils in marine food webs and implications for human health
- 16-26 Social and Economic Impacts of the Acidification and Potential Recovery of Adirondack Forests and Freshwater Systems [PDF]
- 16-40 Effects of Changing Tree Species Composition on Nitrate Leaching and Carbon Storage in Northeastern Forests [PDF]
- 16-31 Regional Estimates of Acidic and Mercury Depositions over Refined Spatial Scales in Northeastern U.S. and the Contribution from New York Power Production Point Sources [PDF]
- 16-31s Summary report: Regional Estimates of Acidic and Mercury Depositions over Refined Spatial Scales in Northeastern U.S. and the Contribution from New York Power Production Point Sources [PDF]
- Acid Rain in the Adirondacks: A Research Summary July 2005 Adirondack Lakes Survey
- 16-27 Measuring the Value of HG and Acid Pollution in New York State through Property Values [PDF]
- 16-27s Summary Report: Measuring the Value of Hg and Acid Pollution in New York State through Property Values [PDF]
- 16-29 Controlling Factors of Long-Term Trends in Mercury Wet Deposition and Precipitation Concentrations at Huntington Wildlife Forest [PDF]
- Efficacy of Environmental DNA to Detect and Quantify Brook Trout Populations in Headwater Streams of the Adirondack Mountains, New York
- Modeled effects of soil acidification on long-term ecological and economic outcomes for managed forests in the Adirondack region (USA)
- Response of fish assemblages to declining acidic deposition in Adirondack Mountain Lakes, 1984-2012
- Is mercury in a remote forested watershed of the Adirondack Mountains responding to recent decreases in emissions?
- A New Look at Liming as an Approach to Accelerate Recovery from Acidic Deposition Effect
- Patterns of Nutrient Dynamics in Adirondack Lakes Recovering from Acid Deposition
- Response of Watersheds in the Catskills and Adirondacks to Reduced Atmospheric Acid Inputs [PDF]
- 16-07 Mercury in Fish and Macroinvertebrates from New York's Streams and Rivers: A compendium of Data Sources [PDF]
- 16-06 Methylmercury Bioaccumulation within Terrestrial Food Webs in the Adirondack Park of New York State [PDF]
- Watershed area ratio accurately predicts daily streamflow in nested catchments in the Catskills, New York
- Responses of 20 lake-watersheds in the Adirondack region of New York to historical and potential future acidic deposition
- Monitoring of Adirondack Ecosystems [PDF]
Research Crosscutting the Topics of Air Quality, Health, and Ecosystem Response
- Forming Regional Soil Carbon Networks to Support Effective Climate Change Solutions [PDF]
- Assessing Air Quality and Public Health Benefits of New York City’s Climate Action Plans - Environmental Science & Technology
- Further improvement of wet process treatments in GEOS-Chem v12.6.0: impact on global distributions of aerosols and aerosol precursors
- 11-31 Market-Based Environmental Protection Mechanisms and the Impact on Energy Production and Use, Final Report - October 2011 [PDF]
- 09-03 Quantifying the Environmental and Economic Benefits of Increased Deployment of Combined Heat and Power Technologies in New York State and the Impacts of Various Regulatory Scenarios, March 2008 [PDF]
- 06-06 Mitigating New York City's Heat Island with Urban Forestry, Living Roofs, and Light Surfaces: New York City Regional Heat Island Initiative, October 2006 [PDF]
- 06-04 Emissions Allowance Market Opportunities for Small Combined Heat and Power Projects in New York State, June 2006 [PDF]
- 06-03 Guidebook for Small Combined Heat and Power Systems Seeking to Obtain Emissions Reduction Credits in New York State, June 2006 [PDF]
Other Environmental R&D Final Reports
- 24-20 Community Solutions for Nonresidential Solar Photovoltaics [PDF]
- Rethinking agrivoltaic incentive programs: A science-based approach to encourage practical design solutions
- 23-25 Growing Agrivoltaics in New York State: Advancing Understanding of Opportunities to Integrate Renewables into Working Landscapes [PDF]
- 19-44 Life Cycle Assessment: C4V Lithium-Ion Battery Cells for Electric Vehicles Final Report [PDF]
- 17-11 Updated Determination of Sulfur and Other Trace Element Content of Fuel Oil in New York State [PDF]
- 16-09 Demonstrating High-Performance, Energy-Efficient Additive Manufacturing [PDF]
- 16-03 Technology Transfer, Education, and Applied Research from the Center for Excellence for Controlled Environment Agriculture at Cornell University [PDF]