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How it Works

Clean Energy Communities Round 3.0

A solar installation in Boonville, New York

How CEC Works


More Opportunities to Lead

The new CEC program provides the tools and resources you need to take your community to the next level, with new High Impact Action items and increased access to grant funding. You can customize your participation in the program to best fit the needs and resources of your community and bring energy savings and economic opportunities to your community.

Communities that complete at least four high-impact actions earn initial Clean Energy Communities designation and are eligible to apply for grants to fund additional clean energy projects. Earn points for high-impact actions your community completes. Once your community earns a certain number of points, it becomes eligible for 1 to 5-Star Designations and larger grant awards.

Contact your regional coordinator to learn which actions are the best fit for your community and how to earn the most points.

Get started. Follow these six steps to participate in the program and access grant funding

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